The always-inquisitive Elle Maxx (L) has the bright idea of impersonating a “Feargirl” in an attempt to unlock the hidden machinations of the Panopticon’s lower depths, the labyrinth where she once happened upon Feargirl (link: Feargirl: Elle Maxx) but had her memories of the events chemically wiped.

And now she wakes up in Room 1138 (or thinks she does), a white void patrolled by robotic avatars of cruel, lusty Elites. Like Feargirl, she does not know where she is or how she got here. But she’s about to be taught a lesson, even if the lesson, the pain, and the forced stimulation, is all in her mind… This video features heavy KO/limp content. heavy shock-prod content, and heavy groping and forced O. “L” is a non-nude talent.